Τρίτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2017

Desktop vs laptop: a brief comparison

Desktop vs Laptop

Desktop is a personal computer which consists of a “box” (motherboard-CPU-RAM etc.) and several peripherals (keyboard, mouse etc.). Laptop is a compact computer option which is obviously portable.

Next a brief comparison of desktop and laptop computers will be attempted:


Usually, the cost of a Desktop computer is lower than the cost of a laptop. You can have a decent desktop for 400 dollars but you need a higher budget for a laptop with the same quality of components.


Desktops are big boxes with a lot of peripherals which cannot be carried easily. On the other hand, laptops are absolutely portable and this is the reason they are made to be portable.


A desktop computer is depending on the power network while laptops can run on battery for a limited amount of time.


Assembly for desktop computers is more difficult since it involves the connection of many discrete components while the laptop is already assembled when you buy it.


It is much easier to upgrade the components of a desktop, find more modern and high-tech components such as CPUs, RAMs etc. and install them on the main motherboard. Laptops usually include components which cannot be upgraded or it is more convenient (and cheaper) to buy a new laptop than upgrading an old laptop.


It is easier to dis-assemble a desktop computer and find the proper components to replace than dis-assembling a laptop and try to find the replacement which are harder to find.

At the end, desktops are more proper for people who want higher and steadier performance for a reasonable price (businesses etc.) while laptops are more proper for people who want a portable computing power.

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